Wednesday, October 20, 2010
@ 10:07 PM
Dear All, please take note of the following dates for those involved.

22 Oct,Friday:Weekly Training which include Sec 1s OA Bronze Accreditation and Sec 2s Specialisation Training. Time is from 230pm to 630pm.

23 Oct,Sat:Gold Mass Workshop
Evac(GOLD):Wan Rou,Hazwani,Umar
FD(GOLD):Chong Hui,Mavis,Serene,Nicole
*Please remember to bring along your water bottle,writing materials and the Accreditation Form which have been passed to you all yesterday.
Evac people please wear hq mufti(school pe shirt or Red Cross shirt with trackpants)
OA people please wear your PT Kit but also bring along your trackpants
FD people please wear your Red Cross Youth Cadet Uniform which is in tiptop condition

25 Oct,Mon:Evac Bronze Training for Sec 1s and Serene. Time is from 345pm to 630pm. Report at 345pm in PT kit with your notes and writing materials.

27 Oct,Wed:Evac Bronze Accreditation for Sec 1s and Serene. Time is from 245pm to 6pm. Report at 245pm in your PT kit and writing materials.

With Regards,
Ng Xin Hui