Sunday, February 21, 2010
Awards and Achievements Parade Ceremony @ 1:00 AM
Dear All,

Below are some photos I picked out from our A&A Parade Ceremony nearly a month back.
(Photos credit to Madm Yi Lin).

Candle Light Ceremony - Red Cross Promise Recital


Unit Photo with Officers and VIs.

Unit Photo with Officers, VIs, Seniors and some Secondary Ones.

Red Cross Banja!

It was indeed a fun and fulfilling evening worth remembering. I hope all of you had a great time! Also, with the Lunar New Year, I wish that the year ahead will be smooth-sailing for the entire Unit, be it in terms of competitions, activities or individual aspects.

VALENTINE'S DAY (BELATED, but never too late)!

With Footdrill Competition coming, I know most of you may be exhausted by the trainings, but the competition is coming soon, on 6 March, or rather next Saturday so as to speak. Meanwhile, don't forget about your academic studies (HOMEWORK & TESTS!). However, also remember to take good care of yourself, have ample sleep as required.

LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE A MARK IN THE FIRST COMPETITION OF THE YEAR 2010! Remember, quality is much more important than quantity. We may be a small Unit, but we shall stand strong! :)

WO Mendi Ang
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Recent Events - Photographs @ 12:24 AM
Hello all !

Here are the photo uploads from CCA Open House, Ice Breaker Games, Trainings & Awards and Achievement Parade Ceremony. Have only uploaded those that I have, so would upload once I've more.

For CCA Open House, its obtained from our school's official website.
So if you all are interested in other CCA's or other photos, you can go there to check it out.

CCA Open House
Ice Breaker Games

Training Photos
(Uploaded in no particular order, includes FDC and Weekly Trainings)


Awards and Achievement Parade Ceremony 2010

Please be remembered that we would be doing flag day collection on monday during class interaction.
All of your are allocated to 2 classes each. Report at 8.15am.

Have a good rest over the weekend.

Goh Yi Lin