Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Footdrill and Uniform Guidelines @ 7:16 PM
Dear Sec Ones,

Below are comments/areas of improvements on your Individual and General Footdrill performance.


Yuen Ling:
- Fists should not be stuck to your skirt while banging (Fists should always be straight, downwards to the ground)
- Do not glance about in the Squad (Look up, pull back your shoulders)
- Reaction must be faster in Drill Execution
- Horsekicking observed while banging (Ensure that when you bang, your leg is lifted at 90 degrees)

Jia Min:
- Leaning backwards observed while standing at Attention/Sediya (Straighten your body)

- When looking up, tilt up your head
- Ensure that leg is lifted at 90 degrees for bangings

Wen Fang
- Horsekicking observed while banging (Ensure that leg is lifted at 90 degrees for bangings)
- While checking dressing/Ke-Kanan Lurus, arms should be lifted according to your own height (90 degrees to your body)
- Footsteps for marching are too big (Steps should be at normal pace, just like walking with your alternate arms 90 degrees to the front and 45 degrees to the back)
- Armswings should not be over 90 degrees to the front

- Heels should be closed in V-Shape after banging
- Clench your fists at all times
- The palm side of your fist should be facing inwards to your skirt
- Feet is opened too wide at Senang-Diri

Shi Min:
- Heels should be closed in V-Shape while at Attention/Sediya
- For turning drills, do not overturn (Ke-Kanan/Ke-Kiri Pusing should be 90 degrees to your left/right; Ke-Blakang Pusing should be 180 degrees to your back)


- Bouncing is observed (To achieve a loud bang, you do not have to exert a lot of force, so much that you bend your knees, resulting in a 'bouncing' effect)
- Pace of marching steps should be more coordinated
- Good jerking of arms at Ke-Kanan Lurus
- Improvement of loudness in replies, however, do not only reply as and when you like
- For execution of drills, timings should be followed
- For wrong commands, 'Wrong Command, I/C' should be replied louder
- Armswings have to be 90 degrees to the front and 45 degrees to the back
- Looking up is observed, but chin should also be tilted up slightly as well
- Fists should be clenched at all times when standing at Attention/Sediya
- No smiling or laughing in Squad
- Be alert at all times
- Pull back your shoulders whenever a command is given
- Falling in and out of the Squad need to be improved
- Lock your arms such that gap between your arm and body cannot be seen

Do go to the
Cadet Resources to download your Footdrill notes to learn the English Translations.
*Download: Footdrill Bronze (Word Of Command) (pdf)


Uniform -
1. Detach your belt from your Uniform
2. Iron 2 neat lines at the back (like what your Sec 3s have taught you)
3. Iron a sharp, straightline at the end of your Red Cross Flash found on both sleeves of the Uniform
4. Collar has to be ironed down flat

Buttons -
1. To be coated over with a thin layer of transparent nail polish/top coat
2. To be secured with button rings
3. Ensure that the pointed tip of the shield is pointed downwards at all times

Belt -
1. If your belt is too loose, use a safety pin to replace the hook grip (ask your Sec 2s/3s to teach you if you're unsure)

Boots -
1. Polished till shiny (especially the Front area)
2. No liquid, black shoe polish allowed

Socks -
1. Have to be 2 by 2 (measured using fingers) - even when you are not wearing the Uniform

Beret -
1. Should be unfurred by trimming
2. No ironing
3. Cap badge should be 1 cm above the hemline, above the left eye)
4. The 2 'tails' of the beret are to be pinned on the inside of the Beret with a safety pin

Nametag -
1. Should be pinned on the right side of the Uniform
2. To be centralized between 1st and 2nd button and the vertically sewn line on the right side of the Uniform

Enrolment Badge -
1. Pinned at the left collar
2. Rims of the badge has to touch the edges of the collar

Other Accessories:
*White FBT shorts

For more information on Uniform Guidelines, click here: Guidelines (General Guidelines > Red Cross Youth Cadets Uniform Guidelines)

General Rules
1. Always wear your boots first before wearing your Uniform (no removing of boots with Uniform worn on)
2. No going out of shade without Beret
3. No dropping of Uniform
4. No sitting with Uniform worn unless permission is given
5. Ensure that Uniform is neat and not crumpled at all times

Best Regards,
WO Mendi Ang