Thursday, March 25, 2010
Arts Festival and NFC
@ 8:59 PM
Dear All, There've been so many events in store for us ever since the School started. Although they seem never-ending, but I'm sure all of us have gained a lot of valuable experience and bonded with one another too. National Footdrill Competition
 6 March 2010; At Raffles Institution More Photos on NFC will be uploaded soon.After so many trainings, we finally did ourselves justice by getting into Round 2! It's everyone's effort that made it possible. This is the first time we participated in NFC, with us classified under the South Zone. The South Zone has been rather dominating in the area of Footdrill for quite some time. Hence, it'll be even more challenging for us to get a Zonal Trophy. But still, we've all tried our best! Getting into Top 12 Finalists is indeed commendable enough. Below are the Judges' Comments on our Unit (sent via email from HQ).

Do take note of their comments so as to make improvements for future NFC(s)! Arts Festival
 20th March 2010; At Red Cross Campsite
After NFC comes Arts Festival. Having burnt out the March Holidays to prepare for the Auditions, the results are out. Congratulations to our Drama Category Team (DramaMaMaz) for getting into the Finals!!! Members consists of: Wan Rou (Director), Mavis (Co-Director), Jerwie, Serene, Chonghui, Umar and Jiani.I'm sure this competition have brought us all together, into doing something other than the usual Footdrill, Evacuation, Outdoor Activities or First Aid. Personally, participating in the Dance Category is a different experience; since my batch have been joining the Video Category (and emerged Champion for 2 consecutive years!). Sadly, there's no Video Category this year. Well, all's still worthwhile. I've never thought of us dancing together and wearing such costumes! It's a once in a lifetime thing to see your NCOs going all out alright! (HAHA). Even though we didn't get in, we know that we've done our best :) NOW, let's all wish our Drama Category Team the best of luck!(get a Champion or runner-up? Not trying to stress you guys though; but it'll really help in 2010's EUA!) (And yes, Inter-UG Footdrill Competition's tomorrow too; GIVE YOUR BEST!)Best Regards, WO Mendi Ang
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Arts Festival 2010
@ 9:16 PM
Dear all,
Here are more information about RCY Art Festivals 2010.
Do read through them carefully, they are all very important details.
Audition Details
Date: 20th March 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Red Cross Campsite
Theme: Late On Valentine's Evening (L.O.V.E)
Attire: Full Dress - Costumes for Performance
Release of Auditions result: 24th March 2010 (Wednesday)
Audition Details
- Only YOs/Teacher In Charge are allowed to accompany participants into the audition venue
- Auditions for all categories will be held at the same venue
- Participants are expected to come in their ideal costumes for auditions
- Mikes will be provided for audition
- There will be no lighting for the auditions
Final Details
Date: 3rd April 2010 (Saturday)
Time: Cadets - 8am to 6pm
Venue: Cedar Girls Secondary School
(Only top 5 teams per category from the Auditions will proceed on to the Finals)
* Drama should not be more than 12 minutes
* "I'll do it nice and slow" should be included in the drama script
* "Fan" is an item that to be included in the drama performance
* All songs to used in the competition should be stored in 1 CD and labeled for the competition (inclusive of a back up copy in a different media device, if possible). School name, Track Number and Title of Song must be indicated on the cover of CDs
Photo Comic Strip
* Each Photo should be in A4 size (soft copy) and printed out in 4R size.
* The CD and the 5 printed 4R Photos to be received by the day of auditions. 20th March 2010 according to the time given.
* Date taken for the photo must be stated.
* Input of text are allowed in the photos
* Photos must be from original sources, no editing is allowed
* Intervention by teachers and advisers should be kept to a minimum
WO Goh Yi Lin
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Event Details (March)
@ 8:46 PM
Dear all,
Here are some notices for the upcoming events.
Fund Fiesta First Aid Duty Roster
Time | Name | Class |
8.45 – 9.30 | Serene Ng Goh Yi Lin | 2/1 4/2 |
9.30 – 10.15 | Jerwie Koh Vivian Tan | 2/1 4/2 |
10.15 – 11.00 | Winny Tio Umar Bin Ja’afar | 4/2 3/3 |
11.00 – 11.45 | Choong Shi Hui Sheryl Ang | 4/3 3A |
11.45 – 12.30 | Lin Jiani Ng Kewei | 3/4 4/3 |
12.30 – 1.15 | Serene Ng Pearlyn Teo | 2/1 4/4 |
1.15 – 2.00 | Jerwie Koh Mendi Ang | 2/1 4/5 |
NPCC First Aid Duty Involved Cadets: Ng Xin Hui, Lin Jiani, Nur Hazwani, Ng Wan Rou, Yan Chonghui, Mavis Ng *Would be excused on Art Festivals Competition on 3rd April 2010.
Dates, Timing and Venue / Reporting Venue
S/N | Session | Date | Timing | Reporting Venue | Attire |
1 | First Aid Duty Workshop cum Briefing | Sat 13 Mar 10 | 0830 to 1300 hrs | Red Cross Campsite | Mufti |
2 | Full Dress Rehearsal | Sat 27 Mar 10 | 0800 to 1400 hrs* | Red Cross HQ | TO BE ADVISED |
3 | Preview | Sat 3 Apr 10 | 1400 to 2130 hrs* | Red Cross HQ | TO BE ADVISED |
4 | NPCC Annual Parade | Sat 17 Apr 10 | 1230 to 2130 hrs* | Red Cross HQ | TO BE ADVISED |
Please remind your respective unit’s cadets to attend the above session and especially the 1st session which happened this Saturday, 13th March 2010 at the Red Cross Campsite.
Admin Instructions For Cadets on 13th March 2010 (1) Cadets are to report to Red Cross Campsite, 62 Jalan Khairruddin at 0830hrs on 13th March . (2) Reporting attire: Mufti (3) Cadets are advised to bring along the following items; - Water bottle (filled with water) - Writing Materials
Art Festivals Audition
RCY Arts Festival 2010 (Cadets);
I. Song Category
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Diction and Clarity | Good Enunciation | 20% |
Stage Presence | Having Confidence. Having a purpose on stage and to be able to project it | 10% |
Vocal Quality | Ability to carry off the tune of the song. Having richness in the voice and ability to project it. | 20% |
Sense of Rhythm | Ability to sing in sync with the music | 20% |
Harmonisation | Ability to complement each other’s voice | 20% |
Presentation | Use of costumes, professional entrance and exits of performers | 10% |
II. Dance Category – Fusion (Contemporary + Cultural)
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Choreography | Having Creativity, storyline and originality | 15% |
Synchronisation | Having ability for dancers to complement each other | 25% |
Presentation | Appropriate use of costume and make up | 15% |
Sense of rhythm | Dancing in sync with the music | 25% |
Technicality | Level of difficulty in execution of steps | 10% |
Culture | Dance must be indicative of culture being presented | 10% |
III. Drama Category
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Stage Presence | Quality of cast, ability of actors to portray their characters | 25% |
Quality of Script | Use of original and creative ideas in its overall projection | 25% |
Usage of theme | Ability to relate and show self/group understanding of the subject | 10% |
Voice Quality and Diction | Ability to project voice and words clearly enunciated | 10% |
Coordination | Smoothness of scene changes and character changes | 10% |
Presentation | Use of set design, lighting, space, sound and use of music | 20% |
IV. Static Display Category – Photo Comic Strip
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Relation To Theme | Symbolic meaning, clarity, understanding and connection to theme with captions | 30% |
Originality / Creativity | Having creative, unique and original photos | 20% |
Presentation | Arrangement of objects and persons in photos | 20% |
Overall Impression + Personal Response | Judges’ overall impression of photos from one glance. Showing full thoughts of photos. | 15% |
Aesthetic Appeal | Ability to show harmony in colours, tones and shapes | 15% |
Reporting Time on 20th March for Both Dance and Drama Category: 11.45am
Performing Time: 12.00pm
Display Static Category must submit their Photo Comic Strip at
Registration Counter btwn 12 -1.30pm
WO Goh Yi Lin
About Us
AMKSSRCY Youth Officers
-SYO Ms Linda Chan
-SYO Mrs Eunice Chan
AMKSSRCY Volunteer Instructors
-YO Sir Alvin Ee
-PCO Ma'am Joanne Ho
-SCO Ma'am Phua Xin Yu
-SCO Ma'am Yuen Wei Lin
-ACO Ma'am Edna Neo
-ACO Ma'am Teoh Yi Lin
-ACO Ma'am Yan Chongxi
-WO Goh Yi Lin
-WO Mendi Ang
-WO Pearlyn Teo
-WO Choong Shi Hui
-WO Ng Kewei
-WO Vivian Tan
-WO Winny Tio
Red Cross Promise
We, as members of the
Singapore Red Cross Society,
promise to serve our country,
and to join with others all over the world
to help the sick and the suffering.
National Footdrill Competition:
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival (Drama Category):
*2nd Runner-Up
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*2nd Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
*Champion for Photography Category
Combined Uniformed Group Awards:
*Outstanding Unit Contribution
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner Up
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
First Aid Competiton:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
*Top Scorer for Theory (Pearlyn Teo Yu Shan)
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Arts Festival and NFC
@ 8:59 PM
Dear All, There've been so many events in store for us ever since the School started. Although they seem never-ending, but I'm sure all of us have gained a lot of valuable experience and bonded with one another too. National Footdrill Competition
 6 March 2010; At Raffles Institution More Photos on NFC will be uploaded soon.After so many trainings, we finally did ourselves justice by getting into Round 2! It's everyone's effort that made it possible. This is the first time we participated in NFC, with us classified under the South Zone. The South Zone has been rather dominating in the area of Footdrill for quite some time. Hence, it'll be even more challenging for us to get a Zonal Trophy. But still, we've all tried our best! Getting into Top 12 Finalists is indeed commendable enough. Below are the Judges' Comments on our Unit (sent via email from HQ).

Do take note of their comments so as to make improvements for future NFC(s)! Arts Festival
 20th March 2010; At Red Cross Campsite
After NFC comes Arts Festival. Having burnt out the March Holidays to prepare for the Auditions, the results are out. Congratulations to our Drama Category Team (DramaMaMaz) for getting into the Finals!!! Members consists of: Wan Rou (Director), Mavis (Co-Director), Jerwie, Serene, Chonghui, Umar and Jiani.I'm sure this competition have brought us all together, into doing something other than the usual Footdrill, Evacuation, Outdoor Activities or First Aid. Personally, participating in the Dance Category is a different experience; since my batch have been joining the Video Category (and emerged Champion for 2 consecutive years!). Sadly, there's no Video Category this year. Well, all's still worthwhile. I've never thought of us dancing together and wearing such costumes! It's a once in a lifetime thing to see your NCOs going all out alright! (HAHA). Even though we didn't get in, we know that we've done our best :) NOW, let's all wish our Drama Category Team the best of luck!(get a Champion or runner-up? Not trying to stress you guys though; but it'll really help in 2010's EUA!) (And yes, Inter-UG Footdrill Competition's tomorrow too; GIVE YOUR BEST!)Best Regards, WO Mendi Ang
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Arts Festival 2010
@ 9:16 PM
Dear all,
Here are more information about RCY Art Festivals 2010.
Do read through them carefully, they are all very important details.
Audition Details
Date: 20th March 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Red Cross Campsite
Theme: Late On Valentine's Evening (L.O.V.E)
Attire: Full Dress - Costumes for Performance
Release of Auditions result: 24th March 2010 (Wednesday)
Audition Details
- Only YOs/Teacher In Charge are allowed to accompany participants into the audition venue
- Auditions for all categories will be held at the same venue
- Participants are expected to come in their ideal costumes for auditions
- Mikes will be provided for audition
- There will be no lighting for the auditions
Final Details
Date: 3rd April 2010 (Saturday)
Time: Cadets - 8am to 6pm
Venue: Cedar Girls Secondary School
(Only top 5 teams per category from the Auditions will proceed on to the Finals)
* Drama should not be more than 12 minutes
* "I'll do it nice and slow" should be included in the drama script
* "Fan" is an item that to be included in the drama performance
* All songs to used in the competition should be stored in 1 CD and labeled for the competition (inclusive of a back up copy in a different media device, if possible). School name, Track Number and Title of Song must be indicated on the cover of CDs
Photo Comic Strip
* Each Photo should be in A4 size (soft copy) and printed out in 4R size.
* The CD and the 5 printed 4R Photos to be received by the day of auditions. 20th March 2010 according to the time given.
* Date taken for the photo must be stated.
* Input of text are allowed in the photos
* Photos must be from original sources, no editing is allowed
* Intervention by teachers and advisers should be kept to a minimum
WO Goh Yi Lin
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Event Details (March)
@ 8:46 PM
Dear all,
Here are some notices for the upcoming events.
Fund Fiesta First Aid Duty Roster
Time | Name | Class |
8.45 – 9.30 | Serene Ng Goh Yi Lin | 2/1 4/2 |
9.30 – 10.15 | Jerwie Koh Vivian Tan | 2/1 4/2 |
10.15 – 11.00 | Winny Tio Umar Bin Ja’afar | 4/2 3/3 |
11.00 – 11.45 | Choong Shi Hui Sheryl Ang | 4/3 3A |
11.45 – 12.30 | Lin Jiani Ng Kewei | 3/4 4/3 |
12.30 – 1.15 | Serene Ng Pearlyn Teo | 2/1 4/4 |
1.15 – 2.00 | Jerwie Koh Mendi Ang | 2/1 4/5 |
NPCC First Aid Duty Involved Cadets: Ng Xin Hui, Lin Jiani, Nur Hazwani, Ng Wan Rou, Yan Chonghui, Mavis Ng *Would be excused on Art Festivals Competition on 3rd April 2010.
Dates, Timing and Venue / Reporting Venue
S/N | Session | Date | Timing | Reporting Venue | Attire |
1 | First Aid Duty Workshop cum Briefing | Sat 13 Mar 10 | 0830 to 1300 hrs | Red Cross Campsite | Mufti |
2 | Full Dress Rehearsal | Sat 27 Mar 10 | 0800 to 1400 hrs* | Red Cross HQ | TO BE ADVISED |
3 | Preview | Sat 3 Apr 10 | 1400 to 2130 hrs* | Red Cross HQ | TO BE ADVISED |
4 | NPCC Annual Parade | Sat 17 Apr 10 | 1230 to 2130 hrs* | Red Cross HQ | TO BE ADVISED |
Please remind your respective unit’s cadets to attend the above session and especially the 1st session which happened this Saturday, 13th March 2010 at the Red Cross Campsite.
Admin Instructions For Cadets on 13th March 2010 (1) Cadets are to report to Red Cross Campsite, 62 Jalan Khairruddin at 0830hrs on 13th March . (2) Reporting attire: Mufti (3) Cadets are advised to bring along the following items; - Water bottle (filled with water) - Writing Materials
Art Festivals Audition
RCY Arts Festival 2010 (Cadets);
I. Song Category
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Diction and Clarity | Good Enunciation | 20% |
Stage Presence | Having Confidence. Having a purpose on stage and to be able to project it | 10% |
Vocal Quality | Ability to carry off the tune of the song. Having richness in the voice and ability to project it. | 20% |
Sense of Rhythm | Ability to sing in sync with the music | 20% |
Harmonisation | Ability to complement each other’s voice | 20% |
Presentation | Use of costumes, professional entrance and exits of performers | 10% |
II. Dance Category – Fusion (Contemporary + Cultural)
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Choreography | Having Creativity, storyline and originality | 15% |
Synchronisation | Having ability for dancers to complement each other | 25% |
Presentation | Appropriate use of costume and make up | 15% |
Sense of rhythm | Dancing in sync with the music | 25% |
Technicality | Level of difficulty in execution of steps | 10% |
Culture | Dance must be indicative of culture being presented | 10% |
III. Drama Category
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Stage Presence | Quality of cast, ability of actors to portray their characters | 25% |
Quality of Script | Use of original and creative ideas in its overall projection | 25% |
Usage of theme | Ability to relate and show self/group understanding of the subject | 10% |
Voice Quality and Diction | Ability to project voice and words clearly enunciated | 10% |
Coordination | Smoothness of scene changes and character changes | 10% |
Presentation | Use of set design, lighting, space, sound and use of music | 20% |
IV. Static Display Category – Photo Comic Strip
| Explanation | Percentage Score |
Relation To Theme | Symbolic meaning, clarity, understanding and connection to theme with captions | 30% |
Originality / Creativity | Having creative, unique and original photos | 20% |
Presentation | Arrangement of objects and persons in photos | 20% |
Overall Impression + Personal Response | Judges’ overall impression of photos from one glance. Showing full thoughts of photos. | 15% |
Aesthetic Appeal | Ability to show harmony in colours, tones and shapes | 15% |
Reporting Time on 20th March for Both Dance and Drama Category: 11.45am
Performing Time: 12.00pm
Display Static Category must submit their Photo Comic Strip at
Registration Counter btwn 12 -1.30pm
WO Goh Yi Lin
Upcoming events
Click on 'Month' or 'Agenda' for clearer view of the Calender.
NOTE: Some activities have yet been included.