Saturday, August 15, 2009
AMKSS RCY T-shirt Design @ 1:01 AM
Dear All,

Below is our unit's shirt design.

Please give constructive suggestions on how we can improve on this current design. The shirt will be white-based, collared dryfit material. The following design will be at the back, and the front-left corner would be our Red Cross Youth logo.
SGT Mendi Ang
Friday, August 7, 2009
National Day Observance Ceremony @ 12:58 AM
Dear All,

Here are the Unit and Batch photos taken on National Day Observance Ceremony on 2nd August 2009.

Water Parade


Contingent Photo

Secondary Ones

Secondary Twos


Unit Photo

Now that this year's National Day celebrations are over, take a good rest and remember that your standard must maintain or improve otherwise.

Latest Updates to take note:
Sec 2 Combined UG Trip (Bintan, Indonesia): 20th-22nd November
*check if you can make it
First Aid Comp. Training: 13th August, Thursday
*for Xin Hui and Nicole only

Best Regards,
SGT Mendi Ang