Monday, June 29, 2009
@ 9:37 PM
Dear all,
All trainings in week 1 will be cancelled due to H1N1.
NDP and weekly trainings will only resume as per normal in Week 2.
At the mean time, rest well and take good care of your health!
Goh Yi Lin
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
@ 6:48 PM
Dear all,
The Combined Uniformed Group camp is postponed to September due to H1N1. Training on 3rd of July, Friday will resume as per normal.
Cadets who are attending AMK GRC and YCK community Sports Festival cum AYG Torch Relay, (Whom are Chonghui, Hazwani, Chun Hui and Dong Shu) please report directly to YCK stadium. The event will last from 7.30 to 11.00am. Thank You.
Goh Yi Lin
Friday, June 19, 2009
Disaster Preparedness
@ 1:18 PM
Dear All, Disaster Preparedness Exercise is cancelled due to H1N1. Therefore, there will be no activity on Friday. Thanks, Mendi
Thursday, June 18, 2009
NCC Land ROD Parade 2009
@ 11:09 AM
Dear Cadets, Here are the details for the NCC Land ROD Parade 2009 -  Venue: Parade Square Date: 25th June 2009 (Thursday) Time: 10am to 12noon Attire: Smart Casual wear Do come to show your support. Have a good rest over the weekends for Monday's NDP Training! Regards, Mendi and Vivian
Monday, June 15, 2009
@ 8:31 PM
Dear All, Here is a brief Calendar of Events for the recent weeks: 17 June (Wednesday) - NDP Training 22 June (Monday) - NDP Training 24 June (Wednesday) - NDP Training 26 June (Friday) - Disaster Preparedness Exercise (9am-1.30pm) 3-5 July (Friday-Sunday) - Combined Uniformed Group Camp *25 June's Combined Unit Activity with Pei Ying Primary is cancelled due to H1N1.Please take note that for the following weeks until the actual NDP Parade on 2nd August, there will be trainings for NDP on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For the CUG Camp, it is held on the week whereby school reopens, so please ensure that you keep yourself free on the following dates. Monday is Youth Day, a public holiday, so you all will still be able to have enough rest. Inform any of the NCOs if you are unable to make it for the camp. Also, for the Secondary Two UIP understudies, we will continue to train you on your respective specializations in trainings. Regards, Mendi
Sunday, June 7, 2009
@ 4:42 PM
Dear Juniors,
Congrats for finally promoting! This shall be the last time I'm writing here. haha. Anyway, Wish you all th best and good luck in your journey! It marks an end for us but for you, it's another beginning, another cycle, another chance. Treasure it! Do what you didnt do last time and leave no regrets. It's a good time to look back at what you'hv achieved. In terms of character developement and how you'hv matured and changed.
For now, it's important to help each other, be there for one another. Maybe it's th true meaning of serving one another? I'll leave that for you to uncover.
I won't type personal stuff here, you can visit my link for that.
Wishing you, all the best ahead. =)
Bye! Senior, Chongxi. Labels: WE....come from Red Cross~
About Us
AMKSSRCY Youth Officers
-SYO Ms Linda Chan
-SYO Mrs Eunice Chan
AMKSSRCY Volunteer Instructors
-YO Sir Alvin Ee
-PCO Ma'am Joanne Ho
-SCO Ma'am Phua Xin Yu
-SCO Ma'am Yuen Wei Lin
-ACO Ma'am Edna Neo
-ACO Ma'am Teoh Yi Lin
-ACO Ma'am Yan Chongxi
-WO Goh Yi Lin
-WO Mendi Ang
-WO Pearlyn Teo
-WO Choong Shi Hui
-WO Ng Kewei
-WO Vivian Tan
-WO Winny Tio
Red Cross Promise
We, as members of the
Singapore Red Cross Society,
promise to serve our country,
and to join with others all over the world
to help the sick and the suffering.
National Footdrill Competition:
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival (Drama Category):
*2nd Runner-Up
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*2nd Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
*Champion for Photography Category
Combined Uniformed Group Awards:
*Outstanding Unit Contribution
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner Up
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
First Aid Competiton:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
*Top Scorer for Theory (Pearlyn Teo Yu Shan)
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
Monday, June 29, 2009
@ 9:37 PM
Dear all,
All trainings in week 1 will be cancelled due to H1N1.
NDP and weekly trainings will only resume as per normal in Week 2.
At the mean time, rest well and take good care of your health!
Goh Yi Lin
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
@ 6:48 PM
Dear all,
The Combined Uniformed Group camp is postponed to September due to H1N1. Training on 3rd of July, Friday will resume as per normal.
Cadets who are attending AMK GRC and YCK community Sports Festival cum AYG Torch Relay, (Whom are Chonghui, Hazwani, Chun Hui and Dong Shu) please report directly to YCK stadium. The event will last from 7.30 to 11.00am. Thank You.
Goh Yi Lin
Friday, June 19, 2009
Disaster Preparedness
@ 1:18 PM
Dear All, Disaster Preparedness Exercise is cancelled due to H1N1. Therefore, there will be no activity on Friday. Thanks, Mendi
Thursday, June 18, 2009
NCC Land ROD Parade 2009
@ 11:09 AM
Dear Cadets, Here are the details for the NCC Land ROD Parade 2009 -  Venue: Parade Square Date: 25th June 2009 (Thursday) Time: 10am to 12noon Attire: Smart Casual wear Do come to show your support. Have a good rest over the weekends for Monday's NDP Training! Regards, Mendi and Vivian
Monday, June 15, 2009
@ 8:31 PM
Dear All, Here is a brief Calendar of Events for the recent weeks: 17 June (Wednesday) - NDP Training 22 June (Monday) - NDP Training 24 June (Wednesday) - NDP Training 26 June (Friday) - Disaster Preparedness Exercise (9am-1.30pm) 3-5 July (Friday-Sunday) - Combined Uniformed Group Camp *25 June's Combined Unit Activity with Pei Ying Primary is cancelled due to H1N1.Please take note that for the following weeks until the actual NDP Parade on 2nd August, there will be trainings for NDP on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For the CUG Camp, it is held on the week whereby school reopens, so please ensure that you keep yourself free on the following dates. Monday is Youth Day, a public holiday, so you all will still be able to have enough rest. Inform any of the NCOs if you are unable to make it for the camp. Also, for the Secondary Two UIP understudies, we will continue to train you on your respective specializations in trainings. Regards, Mendi
Sunday, June 7, 2009
@ 4:42 PM
Dear Juniors,
Congrats for finally promoting! This shall be the last time I'm writing here. haha. Anyway, Wish you all th best and good luck in your journey! It marks an end for us but for you, it's another beginning, another cycle, another chance. Treasure it! Do what you didnt do last time and leave no regrets. It's a good time to look back at what you'hv achieved. In terms of character developement and how you'hv matured and changed.
For now, it's important to help each other, be there for one another. Maybe it's th true meaning of serving one another? I'll leave that for you to uncover.
I won't type personal stuff here, you can visit my link for that.
Wishing you, all the best ahead. =)
Bye! Senior, Chongxi. Labels: WE....come from Red Cross~
Upcoming events
Click on 'Month' or 'Agenda' for clearer view of the Calender.
NOTE: Some activities have yet been included.