Saturday, March 28, 2009
@ 3:51 PM
A long time since I posted. Anyway, here are some of the photos taken since last time. Arts Fest and Elderly party! - ARTS FEST Yiling with seniors. (uh. Yiling acting macho...?)
Sec3s in full force. =)
Juliana and Yiling (dont kill me for posting this pic...)
Song practising session.
Watch the links...
mei li de mei gui hua~
Sec3s again
Serene, Chunhui, Xinhui and Dong Shu ^^
Ah ma watching ur performance (see, she's engrossed)
Then the other ah gongs and ah mas.=) They seem to like it!-
Hmm, okay. Sorry for the late update though. Thanks for being cooperative and for ur performance! - Some of you are probably at the Gold modular workshop now. Jiayou and pass your accreds! (your badges are waiting for you le) -
Of course, have fun while your're at it too. That's important. -
Oh, and for those who recieved your badges yesterday, make sure you know how to pin them properly. You're excited right? Suddenly ur badges come like a bomb~ - Tip; pin them on while you're wearing, cos it's always different when you put ur uniform on. (for some obvious reasons....) -
Till next time, bye~ Chongxi.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
@ 11:36 PM
Today,Art fest Finals. How was it?? Inexplicate isn't it? The joy filled up the whole auditorium. The word "joy" tells alot. We get CHAMPION for both Photography and Video Catergory !!! WE ARE THE CHAMPION,WE ARE THE CHAMPION,WE ARE THE CHAMPION...!!!! =D Don't get too complacent hor. Everyone still must work hard for next year! Join every catergory and get something back from each catergory.yea.. WE shine, we shine, we shine like a STAR!
Madm XINYU! Seniors Sec 4s Sec 3s with Mrs Chan Sec2s Sec1s JULIANA(:
Monday, March 9, 2009
@ 9:09 PM
Hi all,For your convenience, here are your classmarker accounts.Please sign in as soon as possible if you have not done so.Sheryl : kz82175453amChun Hui : nj72175456yuYi Hui : sj02175450lgCassandra : nv12175454yqDong Shu : ll721754599mbXin Hui : hg12175456bjHazwani : wa321175451djJiani : oq92175450peNicole : mc52175450juUmar : tw92175451lzQian Ru : ry32175458exWan Ting : mp52175459ggShi Hui : tg92175454emKe Wei : nx72175455yeVivian : ec52175459tmWinny : wh12175457qfYi Lin : ts92175453Pearlyn : wp02175458agMendi : ym62175451woWan Rou : so52175452gvChonghui : so22175451alJerwie : ra42175455chSerene : sb12175452pyMavis: zb82175452sx There're many accreds coming up this week.Please work hard to get them! I'm pretty sure you won't want to waste your sec3's efforts.Do your part by passing them alrights.I know it's tough juggling both studies and ur accreds, but hey.. we're all facing the same things. Nobody said life was easy.Other than that, I think you should get my point. I shall refrain from being naggy.Jiayou and all the best. =)-chongxi.
About Us
AMKSSRCY Youth Officers
-SYO Ms Linda Chan
-SYO Mrs Eunice Chan
AMKSSRCY Volunteer Instructors
-YO Sir Alvin Ee
-PCO Ma'am Joanne Ho
-SCO Ma'am Phua Xin Yu
-SCO Ma'am Yuen Wei Lin
-ACO Ma'am Edna Neo
-ACO Ma'am Teoh Yi Lin
-ACO Ma'am Yan Chongxi
-WO Goh Yi Lin
-WO Mendi Ang
-WO Pearlyn Teo
-WO Choong Shi Hui
-WO Ng Kewei
-WO Vivian Tan
-WO Winny Tio
Red Cross Promise
We, as members of the
Singapore Red Cross Society,
promise to serve our country,
and to join with others all over the world
to help the sick and the suffering.
National Footdrill Competition:
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival (Drama Category):
*2nd Runner-Up
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*2nd Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
*Champion for Photography Category
Combined Uniformed Group Awards:
*Outstanding Unit Contribution
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner Up
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
First Aid Competiton:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
*Top Scorer for Theory (Pearlyn Teo Yu Shan)
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
@ 3:51 PM
A long time since I posted. Anyway, here are some of the photos taken since last time. Arts Fest and Elderly party! - ARTS FEST Yiling with seniors. (uh. Yiling acting macho...?)
Sec3s in full force. =)
Juliana and Yiling (dont kill me for posting this pic...)
Song practising session.
Watch the links...
mei li de mei gui hua~
Sec3s again
Serene, Chunhui, Xinhui and Dong Shu ^^
Ah ma watching ur performance (see, she's engrossed)
Then the other ah gongs and ah mas.=) They seem to like it!-
Hmm, okay. Sorry for the late update though. Thanks for being cooperative and for ur performance! - Some of you are probably at the Gold modular workshop now. Jiayou and pass your accreds! (your badges are waiting for you le) -
Of course, have fun while your're at it too. That's important. -
Oh, and for those who recieved your badges yesterday, make sure you know how to pin them properly. You're excited right? Suddenly ur badges come like a bomb~ - Tip; pin them on while you're wearing, cos it's always different when you put ur uniform on. (for some obvious reasons....) -
Till next time, bye~ Chongxi.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
@ 11:36 PM
Today,Art fest Finals. How was it?? Inexplicate isn't it? The joy filled up the whole auditorium. The word "joy" tells alot. We get CHAMPION for both Photography and Video Catergory !!! WE ARE THE CHAMPION,WE ARE THE CHAMPION,WE ARE THE CHAMPION...!!!! =D Don't get too complacent hor. Everyone still must work hard for next year! Join every catergory and get something back from each catergory.yea.. WE shine, we shine, we shine like a STAR!
Madm XINYU! Seniors Sec 4s Sec 3s with Mrs Chan Sec2s Sec1s JULIANA(:
Monday, March 9, 2009
@ 9:09 PM
Hi all,For your convenience, here are your classmarker accounts.Please sign in as soon as possible if you have not done so.Sheryl : kz82175453amChun Hui : nj72175456yuYi Hui : sj02175450lgCassandra : nv12175454yqDong Shu : ll721754599mbXin Hui : hg12175456bjHazwani : wa321175451djJiani : oq92175450peNicole : mc52175450juUmar : tw92175451lzQian Ru : ry32175458exWan Ting : mp52175459ggShi Hui : tg92175454emKe Wei : nx72175455yeVivian : ec52175459tmWinny : wh12175457qfYi Lin : ts92175453Pearlyn : wp02175458agMendi : ym62175451woWan Rou : so52175452gvChonghui : so22175451alJerwie : ra42175455chSerene : sb12175452pyMavis: zb82175452sx There're many accreds coming up this week.Please work hard to get them! I'm pretty sure you won't want to waste your sec3's efforts.Do your part by passing them alrights.I know it's tough juggling both studies and ur accreds, but hey.. we're all facing the same things. Nobody said life was easy.Other than that, I think you should get my point. I shall refrain from being naggy.Jiayou and all the best. =)-chongxi.
Upcoming events
Click on 'Month' or 'Agenda' for clearer view of the Calender.
NOTE: Some activities have yet been included.