Sunday, February 22, 2009
@ 6:00 PM
Friday's training, 20th Feb 2009.
Ah, wells. The pictures as promised. (right. i know some rly unglam, but i alr took out those ultimate unglam ones kay..)
Kewei shouting cheers~ The salvages chasing NCOs around for our sacred signitures. Poor vivien! haha.
BEHOLD. The Salvages~ (look at Kewei's face, aha.) Sexy pole dance.... >.<> This is my favourite photo. =) So we finally celebrated our EUA gold last friday. Sorry for the delay in th photos though.. Hope that we can continue striving hard? and sec2s, pls work hard to pass ur accreds! (especially the new ones) Must pass at one go ya? It's not solely for EUA, dont think of it that way. It's for ur uniform too. Of cos, you want a full house uniform right? =) and..sorry to th 'winners' who lost. Hope th water didnt make you sick. haha. Take care of urself.. We all have less than 2 months before CCA stands down. So do treasure th time left. Especially sec3s, in time to come you'll become NCOs. Time really flies so fast. I still remember ur first ice breaker. (i called mendi wendy if im not wrong?) You all really changed alot since then but always remember there's room to do better everytime. Brace urselves! it's gonna be tough but im sure u can do it de. For sec2s, pls try to speak up more! You all are still stuck inside ur cosy shells. (at least tat's wat we feel at times) If you really want to be outstanding, you must be more daring. Nothing is impossible. You can still change, improve, but ultimately it's up to you. Don't give ur sec3s a hard time, kay? Jiayou.. =) and sec1s, ur still new to the unit. Just do ur best and don't give seniors a hard time ba. Hope by the time you recieve ur lance coporal rank, you'll be more into th unit and get used to the things we do. There's a long way to u must hold on tight. Alrights. Rest well and prepare for tomorrow. Till then, and enjoy the photos. -chongxi. Labels: WE....come from Red Cross~
About Us
AMKSSRCY Youth Officers
-SYO Ms Linda Chan
-SYO Mrs Eunice Chan
AMKSSRCY Volunteer Instructors
-YO Sir Alvin Ee
-PCO Ma'am Joanne Ho
-SCO Ma'am Phua Xin Yu
-SCO Ma'am Yuen Wei Lin
-ACO Ma'am Edna Neo
-ACO Ma'am Teoh Yi Lin
-ACO Ma'am Yan Chongxi
-WO Goh Yi Lin
-WO Mendi Ang
-WO Pearlyn Teo
-WO Choong Shi Hui
-WO Ng Kewei
-WO Vivian Tan
-WO Winny Tio
Red Cross Promise
We, as members of the
Singapore Red Cross Society,
promise to serve our country,
and to join with others all over the world
to help the sick and the suffering.
National Footdrill Competition:
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival (Drama Category):
*2nd Runner-Up
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*2nd Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 12 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
*Champion for Photography Category
Combined Uniformed Group Awards:
*Outstanding Unit Contribution
Inter Uniformed Group Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner Up
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
National Footdrill Competition:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
Arts Festival:
*Champion for Video Category
First Aid Competiton:
*1st Runner-Up in Zone
*Top 8 in Nationals
*Top Scorer for Theory (Pearlyn Teo Yu Shan)
Excellent Unit Award:
Community Service Award:
Sunday, February 22, 2009
@ 6:00 PM
Friday's training, 20th Feb 2009.
Ah, wells. The pictures as promised. (right. i know some rly unglam, but i alr took out those ultimate unglam ones kay..)
Kewei shouting cheers~ The salvages chasing NCOs around for our sacred signitures. Poor vivien! haha.
BEHOLD. The Salvages~ (look at Kewei's face, aha.) Sexy pole dance.... >.<> This is my favourite photo. =) So we finally celebrated our EUA gold last friday. Sorry for the delay in th photos though.. Hope that we can continue striving hard? and sec2s, pls work hard to pass ur accreds! (especially the new ones) Must pass at one go ya? It's not solely for EUA, dont think of it that way. It's for ur uniform too. Of cos, you want a full house uniform right? =) and..sorry to th 'winners' who lost. Hope th water didnt make you sick. haha. Take care of urself.. We all have less than 2 months before CCA stands down. So do treasure th time left. Especially sec3s, in time to come you'll become NCOs. Time really flies so fast. I still remember ur first ice breaker. (i called mendi wendy if im not wrong?) You all really changed alot since then but always remember there's room to do better everytime. Brace urselves! it's gonna be tough but im sure u can do it de. For sec2s, pls try to speak up more! You all are still stuck inside ur cosy shells. (at least tat's wat we feel at times) If you really want to be outstanding, you must be more daring. Nothing is impossible. You can still change, improve, but ultimately it's up to you. Don't give ur sec3s a hard time, kay? Jiayou.. =) and sec1s, ur still new to the unit. Just do ur best and don't give seniors a hard time ba. Hope by the time you recieve ur lance coporal rank, you'll be more into th unit and get used to the things we do. There's a long way to u must hold on tight. Alrights. Rest well and prepare for tomorrow. Till then, and enjoy the photos. -chongxi. Labels: WE....come from Red Cross~
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